Emergency Medicine can be physically and mentally draining. RCEM and EMTA recognise that wellbeing is a key issue for EM trainees.

National Training Survey 2022 - Trainee burnout by Royal College
We must be vocal about the importance of looking after ourselves and each other. If you are struggling, or know someone who is, please speak up. This page links to resources which may be helpful. Educational supervisors, Occupational Health or Training Programme Directors can also offer support
Immediate support
Free and confidential psychological support is available 24/7 in a crisis via
The NHS Frontline service for all NHS staff - Call 0800 06 96 222 or text 'FRONTLINE' to 85258
NHS Practitioner Health offer a 24/7 crisis line - Text NHSPH to 85258 or visit the website
The Samaritans - Call 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website
Suicide Prevention UK - Call 0800 689 5652 or visit the SPUK website